Paddington returns to Peru to visit his beloved Aunt Lucy, who is now living in the Bear Retirement Home. He and the Brown family embark on an exciting adventure when a mystery leads them on an unexpected journey. Appearances in The Graham Norton Show: Billy Crystal/Emily Mortimer/Hugh Bonneville/Pharrell Williams/Michael Kiwanuka (2024). “Paddington in Peru (2024)” isn’t as good as “Paddington 2 (2017)”, but it’s not as big a step back as some early reactions suggested either. For the most part, it’s still an enjoyable and enjoyable experience that’s both fast-paced and enjoyable. While the more standard adventure narrative is less idiosyncratic than the vignette-based approach of the first two films, it still works well enough in this context and allows its beloved characters to continue to charm even when they’re subjected to the classic sequel being torn from their natural habitat to discover the protagonist’s as-yet-unknown origins. There are plenty of funny moments in the film, and from the very first frame the film has a light-hearted nature. It’s a really good film, and sometimes that’s all you need. What it lacks compared to its predecessors is a strong emotional core. While there are a few touching moments, the piece isn’t particularly moving or tear-jerking. Also, some of the character elements are pretty superficial and, as my brother pointed out, feel like obligatory afterthoughts. The plot is mostly conventional and sticks to a certain formula almost 100 percent. It’s fairly predictable and feels relatively generic, almost like a rehash of Paddington after its basic beats have already been laid out. Despite a few issues, there’s enough to like about this feature. The charming cast is as strong as ever, and a couple of charming newcomers (Antonio Banderas and Olivia Coleman) happily play around with the setting when needed. The special effects are consistently good and bring the titular bear to life so believably, it’s strange to think that he’s never actually in the same space as the other characters. When he’s not on the red carpet, of course, it feels like someone’s missing. The film is light and lively; time flies by really quickly and is generally a lot of fun. The film is peppered with gags, both visual and spoken, and scenes of slapstick action that keep the viewer entertained. It’s really a lot of fun. All in all, it’s a respectable addition to the series that’s well-made and enjoyable to watch. Unfortunately, it’s a sequel to Paddington 2 (2017), because it could be argued to be the best – or at least the most universally appealing – film of all time because it’s a really great family film. If you’re expecting the best film of all time (again) or even the second best film of all time, then of course you’re going to be disappointed. However, it’s a solid production that’s charming and funny in almost every scene. It is much better than many similar products. If you are not expecting a miracle, I think you will be pleasantly surprised.